Cephalopholis taeniops

Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 15-16; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 9 – 10. Distinguished by the following characteristics: body depth less than head length, 2.8-3.2 in SL; head length 2.7-3.0 in SL; interorbital area convex; rounded preopercle, finely serrate, with shallow notch, fleshy lower edge; subopercle and interopercle with few small serrae covered by skin; maxilla reaching vertical at rear edge of eye or beyond; pectoral fins longer than pelvic fins, pectoral fin length contained 1.5-1.7 in HL; pelvic fins reaching or nearly reaching anus; caudal fin rounded; lateral-body scales ctenoid, without auxiliary scales (Ref. 089707).

Info for Cephalopholis taeniops

  • No Toxic
  • No Venomous
  • Not invasive in the Mediterranean
  • Native Range:
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  • Established in Malta:
Native Range
  • A : Atlantic
  • C : Cosmopolitan
  • I : Indian Ocean
  • P : Pacific Ocean
  • R : Red Sea
  • U : Unknown

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