Aplysia dactyomela

Characterised by relatively tough, leathery parapodia and large dark or black rings, and blackish reticulate lines. Black markings on both the outside and inside of the parapodia.

See Sea Hare – defence for a picture of A. dactylomela ‘inking’. See also message below for a picture of an animal from the Bahamas.

See the General Topics List for more information on Sea Hares.
See Mating Chains

• Rang, S. (1828). Histoire naturelle des Aplysiens, prèmiere famille de l’ordre des Tectibranches. 84pp., Plates 1-24. In: Férussac, D., Histoire naturelle generale et particuliere des Mollusques. Firmin Didot: Paris.

Info for Aplysia Dactyomela

  • Toxic
  • No Venomous
  • Invasive in the Mediterranean
  • Native Range:
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